If you’ve been following me for a long time you know I have a very Hungry Mind. On top of magazines, articles and reports, I read at least 1 book per month; and have gone up to 4 in years past. This year I read 15 books in all, lighter than before but interesting nonetheless.
Category Archives: Behavior
The Seven Deadly Realities of Human Nature
What obstacles stand in the way of greatness?
Being someone that is on the path of Mastery, I’m in tune with the obstacles that can impede me from achieving Mastery. So, anyone who’s overcome obstacles on the path to Mastery is interesting to me. It’s also one the reasons why I’m a HUGE fan of Robert Greene, the author of The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, The 33 Strategies of War, The 50th Law and Mastery.
He studies power and mastery in all his books through the lives of people from past and present.
In his latest book, Mastery, he explores the idea of reaching Mastery and how in order to reach it he lays out how social intelligence matters, because you can be brilliant in your field, but if you’re bad with people you neutralize your talent and expertise:…
5 questions to help you think about the culture you wish to create
Culture eats strategy for breakfast. Why? Because even a beautifully conceived strategy won’t be executed the right way if people’s values and beliefs are not aligned. In other words, culture is not mandated; it is shaped from the beginning.…
What Sherlock Holmes can teach us about decision making
I’m a sucker for anything that has to do with decision making. And, I’m also a sucker for anything that has to do with Sherlock Holmes. The two go together nicely. That is why I was excited to buy Maria Konnikova’s new book, Mastermind: How to think like Sherlock Holmes.
I found this excellent video where Maria talks about some of the ideas behind her book as well as some tips on how to make more rational decisions. …