Tag Archives: Leadership

Don’t Obsess Over Competitors, Obsess Over Customers

Almost every business that is started copies the businesses it competes with. Everyone copies each other. It’s how it goes. They compete on business models and best practices. But, it doesn’t have to be this way.

Unlock Employee Insights: 6 Questions That Spark Improvement

How often do you ask employees how the business could be improved? I’m still surprised how asking employees for ideas isn’t standard practice in most businesses. I’m not talking about setting up an idea/suggestion box; it’s not enough. I’m talking about seeking out people’s ideas.

How to Develop Situational Awareness And Sharpen Your Strategic Thinking

Most business leaders operate with a very limited view of what’s happening in the world beyond what they know, much less how it impacts their business. It’s one of the reasons why most businesses react to change rather than exploit it. What I’m talking about is having situational awareness and good business acumen.

When You’re In A Hole Focus On Solving Problems

We all go through it—rough patches, bumps on the road, times when nothing works as we’d like it to. Your business is failing, a deal falls through, and a key partnership doesn’t work out, you lose sight of the end goal and overspend on a key initiative. It happens. Sometimes we dig a hole we can’t seem to get out of and keep digging!