What if I told you that I could give you a map that shows where innovation opportunities lie? Would you believe me? It’s not that easy. When it comes to innovation, finding ideas is the easy part. Finding the right idea and then executing is where the rubber meets the road.
Category Archives: Creativity
To Innovate, You Must Learn To Fail Well
Try something new. Most organizations never try anything because they’re afraid of failure. But, failure is learning. The most innovative companies understand that innovation and failure are inseparable twins. They’re not pursuing failure, they’re pursuing learning.
23 Questions That Help Spark Innovative Ideas
It all starts with a provocative question. Questions have been the enablers of innovation for centuries. Questions stimulate the brain and open the innovation pipeline. Asking questions is part of the innovator’s DNA. It’s a shame questioning is a rare behavior in most organizations!
30 Most Common Idea Stoppers In Businesses
Are you a “Chief Idea Killer“? My guess, is you are. Let’s face it, most businesses are copycats of other businesses. And, most businesses operate by a “play not to lose mindset” where employees are rewarded for maintaining the status quo and rocking the boat is avoided at all costs.
15 Ways Leaders Stop Innovation In Their Business
A common question I get for my innovation advisory is “How can we create an environment where employees feel empowered to innovate?” There are many ways. But, before answering this question a better question to ask is “What are we currently doing to stop employees from feeling empowered to innovate?”
Stop Leaving Money on the Table: Harness Your Team’s Problem-Solving Power
There’s a difference between an employee who shows up to do a job because he/she needs to make a living and someone who is fully engaged in the work, in the business. People who are fully engaged because they have high agency are rare, and you should do everything you can to keep them. In most cases, people who are engaged in their work are because the organization created the conditions for them to be fully engaged.
This Is How You Kill Innovation In Your Business
We’ve all been there. As an employee, you take the initiative to fix or improve a process, or a feature and you get punished, ignored, or criticized for doing so. This, of course, demotivates you and stops you from even thinking about taking the initiative or proposing improvements ever again.…