Tag Archives: Innovation

Don’t Obsess Over Competitors, Obsess Over Customers

Almost every business that is started copies the businesses it competes with. Everyone copies each other. It’s how it goes. They compete on business models and best practices. But, it doesn’t have to be this way.

Unlock Employee Insights: 6 Questions That Spark Improvement

How often do you ask employees how the business could be improved? I’m still surprised how asking employees for ideas isn’t standard practice in most businesses. I’m not talking about setting up an idea/suggestion box; it’s not enough. I’m talking about seeking out people’s ideas.

Start With The Customer Problem, Not The Technology

Generative AI is still looking for its killer app. Sure, there is a niche number of people getting great results using LLMs for work and other activities to be more efficient and productive. Still, most of the existing generative AI solutions out there are hunting for a problem to solve.

Being First Doesn’t Matter, Being Better Does

Innovation is messy. There’s nothing predictable about it. I’ve been too early three times in my time as an entrepreneur. Either the market wasn’t ready, the technology needed to evolve more, or the market didn’t exist. Underpinning all three scenarios was timing. When I had my affective computing startup, Netek, I remember telling my team that we were too early and we might not make it because of it.

Bet On Inevitable Trends

Whether you’re doing more of the same, innovating incrementally or radically, there are no safe bets when it comes to entrepreneurship. It’s easy to follow along and just do what others are doing because you don’t want to stay behind. But remember one thing: Innovators are the early adapters.

How Not To Determine Whether Or Not An Idea is Worth Doing

“I’m not sure about this idea anymore.” Why? I asked. “Because I talked to two potential customers and they don’t seem interested”, she answered. This was a conversation I had with a friend who wants to find out whether or not an idea she has, a need she has, is worth pursuing.