Archive for: January, 2013

The two questions at the core of genuine service and innovation

We’ve got to sell our ideas. There’s no way around it. And, we have to advocate for what we are selling. If we can’t, we’re doomed because nobody will believe in us. The catalyst for this, I believe, is a deep desire to make a difference: Our ideas should change lives so profoundly, that people can’t imagine going back to the old way.

But how do we put ourselves in this mindset?

What is the easiest way to motivate someone to innovate?

question to innovate

To make a discovery, to invent something that connects with people inevitably requires time and effort. This often entails years of experimentation, various setbacks and failures, and the need to maintain a high level of focus. You must have patience and faith that what you are doing will yield something important.

For this alone, whether you like something or not, you must have passion attitude, passion and resolve. If you’re not passionate about what you are doing, you will run out of energy and interest. There are many great ways to motivate yourself, but a daily reminder or message on the wall is one of the best techniques. Many have found success from these which anyone can have printed on a canvas. There is a company – – that can take care of printing a message on a canvas for you so everyday is a step closer to your goals.

With that said, the easiest way to motivate someone else to innovate is to ignite passion their passion. Sometimes, all it takes is that you be passionate for others to follow along. Another way to motivate someone, is to stoke the fire in their belly. How?

Your strategy should help tell a story

be original

A leader’s most important responsibility is identifying the biggest challenges to forward progress and devising a coherent approach to overcoming them. In contexts ranging from corporate direction to national security, strategy matters. Yet we have become so accustomed to strategy as exhortation that we hardly blink an eye when a leader spouts slogans and announces high-sounding goals, calling the mixture a “strategy.” –  Richard Rumelt

Strategy, strategy, strategy. It matters. Yet, most of the time, we get it wrong. Why? Let’s start with the basics…

One of the problems with implementing a strategy, is nobody cares about it. And the reason nobody cares, is because nobody understands it. And the reason nobody understands it, is because it isn’t clearly articulated. And a clearly articulated statement or name such as “low-cost airline”, will do wonders to help communicate your strategy.

Focus on the principles not the examples

“All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.” – Sun Tzu

We all use examples to explain our ideas. Some people use examples from the same category, and a small percentage of us use examples that fall outside those categories. To explain these ideas, we conceptualize them into principles.

In the world of strategy, we have stratagems. For example, the golden rule of strategy principle: Do what others are unwilling to do.

And example of how this looks in practice: Map every walkable street on Earth (including those shared with animals).

Most companies wouldn’t think about doing it. But one company didn’t shy away from the challenge: Google.

Innovation must reads of the week: Nine Rules for Stifling Innovation

[View the story “Innovation must reads of the week: Nine Rules for Stifling Innovation” on Storify]

Innovation must reads of the week: Nine Rules for Stifling Innovation

Storified by Jorge Barba· Sat, Jan 19 2013 18:00:45

Very good post from @ralph_ohr and @timkastelle Four Key Issues in #Innovation Management #innochatKevin McFarthing
A Method for Applying Jobs-to-Be-Done to Product and Service Design: Carpenter
@mikemyatt Next practices versus best practices #leadershipSaul Kaplan
Beware of leaders who claim to want #innovation but stop it from surfacing or succeeding. 9 traps Moss Kanter
Network science reveals just how innovation–much like the dreaded flu bug sweeping the nation–is contagious:
Want to Kill #Innovation at Your Company? Go Public. via @ziteRalph-Christian Ohr
Introverts and Innovation: Unlocking the Full Potential – are you an introvert?Stefan Lindegaard
Shift Your Lens: The Power of Re-Framing Problems – Seelig

If you like these links, check out all the previous “Innovation Must Reads of the Week“. And don’t forget to
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What are the most important things you can do to speed and improve the creative process?

question to innovate

This the fourteenth of a series of weekly posts where I will answer a few common questions about innovation. Please feel free to add your own response. Also, if you have any questions you think we should discuss, let me know.

This is an interesting question. Here are a few thoughts on how you can speed and improve the creative process:

Maximun productivity at coworking space IOS Offices

coworking space in mexico IOS Offices

Fast Company recently published an article about the benefits of a coworking space. From experience, I have my office in mexican coworking space IOS Offices, I can tell you it is true. Especially the part of feeling more productive. Why that is? I have no data  to back it up, only how I feel while I’m there. When I was working at home, I do not feel the sense of accomplishing something, as our home isn’t really meant to be a place for work, but to relax playing play666. I ended performing less than I did when I tried a co-working space. Maybe it is because of the excitement of going to work and I have developed a plan to give myself a proper sleep. It was difficult adjustment, and I had to resort to Modafinil from to help me focus in the day for the first two weeks in the office.

And to share that feeling of productivity, I regularly invite other entrepreneurs to work at my office at anytime. Here, I interviewed Ivan Rodriguez of startup Instapart, to get his thoughts on his experience while working there (spanish):