Tag Archives: Daniel Pink

The two questions at the core of genuine service and innovation

We’ve got to sell our ideas. There’s no way around it. And, we have to advocate for what we are selling. If we can’t, we’re doomed because nobody will believe in us. The catalyst for this, I believe, is a deep desire to make a difference: Our ideas should change lives so profoundly, that people can’t imagine going back to the old way.

But how do we put ourselves in this mindset?

10 TED Talks That Will Help You Become an Innovative Leader

leadership ideas worth spreading

I don’t remember ever doing a post like this. But, I’ve recently been thinking about and discussing with a client the topic of innovative leadership. As in what makes an innovative leader. And if you aren’t one, what do you need to do to become one.

With that said, here are a few TED talks that I think will helps us become the leaders of the future. Let me know what you think in the comments!

Shawn Achor: The Happy Secret to Better Work