A key trait of every innovator is cultivating a diverse network of people that she / he can tap into for insights and perspective. The internet has opened up a rich and diverse network to me, but I also get to meet people from all walks of life by living in the U.S.-Mexico border.
Tag Archives: podcast
Building The Next Economy’s Human Rating System on Blockchain
The Next Economy will be driven by 10 key emerging technologies; one of them is blockchain. Ususally related to cryptocurrencies, it underpins them, but has many uses beyond money.
Babak Forutanpour on how to start a grass roots innovation program in a big company
How do you start a grassroots innovation program within your company?
On this episode of the Big Bang Podcast we interview Babak Forutanpour, Founder of Qualcomm’s FLUX employee-run open innovation program and creator of @TheAryaBall.
A couple of years ago I had the opportunity to interview Babak to find out the story behind FLUX. …
Ideas that must die Pt. 2
So far, in this podcast, we’ve discussed the possibilities of ideas that if created would improve the world. On this episode we flip the script, rather than asking if a new idea is a good one, we ask whether it’d be better if some of the ideas we cling to were killed off.
All good ideas must die (so that great ideas might live). With that said, similar to how you kill stupid rules to innovate, what ideas, if eliminated, would improve our life?…
Ideas that must die Pt.1
So far, in this podcast, we’ve discussed the possibilities of ideas that if created would improve the world. On this episode we flip the script, rather than asking if a new idea is a good one, we ask whether it’d be better if some of the ideas we cling to were killed off.
All good ideas must die (so that great ideas might live). With that said, similar to how you kill stupid rules to innovate, what ideas, if eliminated, would improve our life?…
Future Proof: 4 Ways To Explore What’s Possible
To imagine a future is easy, to imagine one that matters is another story.
The world is changing fast. I see it everyday in the articles and stories that get shared on my self-curated Twitter feed, as well as the conversations I have with people trying to change the world. For example, articles on how a future without cows is near, another on how our future food intake will include bugs, and another on how a self-driving car was pulled over.
These are just articles related to the future of food and transportation, dig deeper and you’ll get a picture into how various industries are changing and how others are being created in front of us.
Why is this important?…
What if instead of students choosing a college major, they chose a mission?
The existing school system was designed to provide diplomas so people can get jobs; it’s safe to say that this model is no longer relevant. However, there are still those lucky people who landed in their dream job after years and years of going to school. They even get the chance to top or ace any major examinations as a result of hard work, determination and study materials like Exam Genius course reviews. But still school isn’t working for most people, for example, most people don’t end up doing what they went to school for. And, frankly, most people are unhappy in their jobs.
A new concept is needed; urgently. …