Tag Archives: Economics

Thomas Koulopoulos: AI Isn’t About Tech, It’s About The Survival of Humanity

Revealing the invisible with Thomas Koulopoulos

The Next Economy will be driven by 10 emerging technologies, underpinning them all is artificial intelligence. AI is buzzword that comes with many expectations that have yet to come true. When it does become smarter and truly autonomous, will it leave humans without jobs? Will we become slaves to it?

These are the types of questions that get the headlines and the clicks, but AI will be revolutionary in many ways; the benefits outweigh the fears.

What Is The Goal Of Automation?

goal of automation

No matter how many articles are published on a day to day basis, we’re nowhere close to full out automation of jobs because there are many things that have to happen; it’s going to take a while. It’s not because the technology isn’t progressing fast enough; it’s because the number one obstacle is resistance from humans.

Four Visions of the Future of Work

New America and Bloomberg have come together to convene Shift: The Commission on Work, Workers, and Technology, with the goal of analyzing theories of the future of work. In a new report drawn from discussions with leaders in technology, business, policy, and culture as well as those whose livelihoods are already being affected by automation, the commission outlines four possible future economies: some with more work and some with less, some focused on task-based work and some oriented around traditional jobs.

How Technology is Disrupting Geopolitics with Abishur Prakash

next geopolitics abishur prakashThe Next Economy will be driven by emergent technologies, bringing new possibilities for a better future along with many challenges for the world economy.

But, how is technology changing geopolitics?

To answer this question I chat with Geopolitical Futurist Abishur Prakash who recently released a book on how new technologies, such as robotics, artificial intelligence, embryo editing, space colonization and more will transform world affairs; the book is called Next Geopolitics.

5 Challenges for the Next Economy

5 challenges for the next economy

A world of ubiquitous technology is here, we have to accept it. How? Understand that there’s no stopping the push of technology into our lives. There are many emerging technologies that will drive the Next Economy, creating the industries and jobs of the Oil Profit platform future.

To Manage for Innovation is to Manage for Progress not Stability

progress and stability are mutually exclusive

Something extraordinary happened to the human species over the past two centuries: Economic growth transformed everyday life and changed poverty from a near-universal condition to a limited problem. The technologies that enabled this change emerged largely in Western Europe. Why there  and not, say, in China?

The Washington Post explores why the industrial revolution didn’t happen in China in a fascinating interview with economic historian Joel Mokyr.