At work, you just want to power through, to get done what you need to get done, so that you can go home. This, unfortunately, leads us to lots of bad behaviors and unhealthy choices. We skip meals—or eat meals out of the vending machine. We stay at our desk as long as possible, sometimes not stopping to do anything but go to the bathroom and don’t get me wrong many of us feel completely comfortable sitting down in our Buy Direct Online Home Office Furniture but we still need to keep in mind the importance behind taking time to breathe.
Tag Archives: Cognition
How Does Playing Video Games *Actually* Affect Your Brain And Well-Being?
In my 11 years blogging here I may have written about my love for video games 3 to 5 times. Using those posts to highlight ways that game developers and designers push the boundaries of immersion. You may also know Elo boosting helps you obtain your objectives in an array of diverse ways. For some gamers, unlocking the end of Season Victorious Skin is the only aim for the year, and these gamers oftentimes require a support to get there. Other gamers are determined to beat the past seasons rank. Some gamers want to beat their loved ones or friends and will do everything possible to ensure they end in a higher division. No matter what the goal of the player, dota 2 mmr boosting help to achieve it. If you struggle with a Learning Disability, our certified Neurofeedback doctors at Leigh Brain & Spine can perform the proper testing needed in order to create a treatment plan for a better way of life. To know more about Learning disability treatment center, then visit their website here.
The Truth About Nootropics (Smart Drugs)
Nootropics are reported to being widely used in work and at school to help people be more focused. Which begs the question: do nootropics, smart drugs, enhance creative thinking? Or lead people to addition problems then requiring Tampa drug rehab to get detoxed.
When Smart Drugs Do The Work
A world where most menial jobs will be taken over by robots is coming. And in that future, humans will focus on cognitively intense jobs where critical thinking and creativity are highly valued. How fast that will happen is an ongoing argument, but what is happening already, and will also become more widespread in the future, is the use of cognitive performance enhancers at school and at work.
As we discussed in A World Without Sleep, a scenario that could present itself is one where we choose not to sleep to be able to compete with robots; and that means using smart drugs.…