Category Archives: Psychology

The Immutable Truths of Behavioral Change

The Immutable Truths of Behavioral Change

On my latest trip my Sales Manager and I talked about a colleague of ours who’s behavior is causing problems with the team; which I won’t get into the details. She knows I’m not one to wait for things to get out of hand and wholeheartedly take the time to coach people. So she asked me: why don’t you coach him?

I Could Live Without Facebook. Could You?

delete facebookFacebook is in hot water right now. After the Cambridge Analytica scandal, which uncovered that the data of as many as 90 million people was shared without their permission, calls for changes in management have been common as well as a #deleteFacebook campaign that has been supported by well known technologists like Steve Wozniak and the founder of Whatsapp.

6 Books I Read In 2017 That Are Worth Your Time

books I read in 2017If you’ve been following me for a long time you know I have a very Hungry Mind. On top of magazines, articles and reports, I read at least 1 book per month; and have gone up to 4 in years past. This year I read 15 books in all, lighter than before but interesting nonetheless.

Your Need For Certainty Kills Innovation

There's No Innovation Without Uncertainty

Innovation is as much about attitude and perspective as it is about process. It’s an uncertain path that tests women and men’s mental and emotional fortitude; it’s not for everybody.

As innovators we have fight against human nature; our own and that from our fellow humans. The fear of not knowing is the main enemy of this story, which takes constant vigilance and engagement.

Is Empathy Overrated?

is empathy overrated?Is empathy overrated? As I posted a few weeks ago, empathy is the greatest creator of human energy; so I don’t believe it to be overrated. Still, there are those who believe too much empathy is not good. One of those people is Psychologist and author Paul Bloom, who wrote a book about the topic. I’ve found it interesting and have been reading and listening to his counter arguments to empathy; the main argument is it’s narrow, biased and therefore puts it ahead of rational thinking.

The Specialist’s Dilemma

beginners mind

Innovation has many enemies, but the one you can count on to rear its ugly head all the time is expertise. You see, true innovation is something new, surprising and radically useful; it’s an order of magnitude better than what currently exists. Expertise driven innovation results in incremental improvements, which is good for stability; but it hinders progress when it comes to making leaps.