Category Archives: entrepreneurship

Bet On Inevitable Trends

Whether you’re doing more of the same, innovating incrementally or radically, there are no safe bets when it comes to entrepreneurship. It’s easy to follow along and just do what others are doing because you don’t want to stay behind. But remember one thing: Innovators are the early adapters.

How Not To Determine Whether Or Not An Idea is Worth Doing

“I’m not sure about this idea anymore.” Why? I asked. “Because I talked to two potential customers and they don’t seem interested”, she answered. This was a conversation I had with a friend who wants to find out whether or not an idea she has, a need she has, is worth pursuing.

When You’re In A Hole Focus On Solving Problems

We all go through it—rough patches, bumps on the road, times when nothing works as we’d like it to. Your business is failing, a deal falls through, and a key partnership doesn’t work out, you lose sight of the end goal and overspend on a key initiative. It happens. Sometimes we dig a hole we can’t seem to get out of and keep digging!

40 Questions To Help You Stimulate Disruptive Thinking And Inspire Bold Action

Most brainstorming sessions suck! Why? Because they inspire creative thinking, challenge the status quo, and inspire bold action. The solution isn’t just bringing in outsiders who don’t think and act like you. It’s to ask provocative questions that drive your brainstorming efforts.

The Best Leaders Revel In Being Wrong

“I know the business.” The word, “know”, is the enemy of improvement and innovation. Innovation has many enemies, but experience and groupthink are its biggest. And because people run businesses, every single one of them will fall into the trap.