Category Archives: Podcast

How The Internet Brings Out Our Good And Bad Personalities

the internet changes our personalityIs the internet bringing out your dark side? Technology is changing our personalities – for the worse.

The internet changes the way we think and act. I don’t know about you, I act like my offline version on the internet; but some people don’t. Adrian and I discussed how people, in video games, act like they own the game; showing narcissistic tendencies which spill into their offline world.

Futures Thinking is an essential 21st century skill: we need to cultivate it widely

our unhealthy obsession with the futureInnovate or die? The idea that we must innovate to be successful, have we taken it to the extreme? Some people think so. An in interesting review of a book argues that our unhealthy obsession with the future, where anyone who wants to be successful has to innovate, disrupt, and “own the future”, is making us come up with simplistic ideas rather than great ideas that tackle real challenges.

The Internet Makes Most Languages Extinct?

The Internet Makes Most Languages Extinct?Languages are dying. A full 96% of the world’s 6,000+ languages appear to be dead when it comes to use on cell phones, laptops, and tablets, meaning that the Internet could be to languages what a certain comet was to the dinosaurs. At Oddee you can find fun facts about different languages. Language connects us all, and it is one of the most interesting areas you can study.

Is the internet to blame?

Technology Makes Us Dumber If We Let It

technology is making us dumberJust like we’ve asked about the internet, Google and social networks, the question now shifts to our devices: As our gadgets and devices get smarter and smarter, are we getting less so?

Being connected all the time brings us many benefits, but it also hinders our ability to think for ourselves. We develop tunnel vision, and that makes us less aware of many things. I believe technology is making us smarter, maybe not dumber; but dependent on it. More importantly, it’s makes us feel as though we’re being creative with it when we’re not not.