Category Archives: Podcast

Trekonomics: Can We Achieve A Money Free Society?

treknomics star trek economy
Star Trek is one of the few science fiction universes that grapple with the idea that money may someday become obsolete. It’s a world where people are no longer interested in the accumulation of things. In this world, the way to cultivate status is by talent and intellect; for the betterment of ourselves and humanity. 

How Do You Train People In Jobs That Yet To Exist?

Every technological transitions replaces or eliminates existing jobs but also creates new ones; the challenge is transitioning those who are left behind because they’ve become experts at doing things that are no longer needed.

Stop Saying Innovation and Just Do It

bullshit innovation

In a world where everyone pays lips service to innovation, what’s next? If not innovation, then what do we call it?

My co-host Adrian brought to my attention a business that markets itself as an “innovator” but is clearly doing none of it. The fact that the business is called Innova Media Creative Group should tell you everything.

Hint: You suck if you use the words creativity and innovation in your business name. Period.