Tag Archives: Innovation

When Someone Points Out The Flaws In Your Idea You Need To Thank Them

At both of my ventures, Better and Netek, we operate by many key principles, one of them is avoiding stupidity; which is to avoid bad decisions. So instead of asking ourselves,”how do we make good decisions?; we ask: how do we avoid making bad ones?

Does Innovation Get Easier The More You Do It?

Many consultants pitch innovation as a systematic, repeatble process. I believe these people are just appealing to people’s need for certainty and fill their pockets. As I’ve explained before, innovation is very hard. And though I’m seen as an innovation consultant, I don’t like being called an expert or consultant in innovation because there’s no such thing.

Intensity of Use of Technology, Not Just Access, Is What Creates Economic Opportunity

As we enter 2018, it’s worth reminding ourselves that digital disruption is real. Need proof? The Next Economy will be driven by these emerging technologies: artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, drones, big data, internet of things, 3D printing, genetics and blockchain.

These technologies are already here, and startups and maverick corporations are leading the way to a better future through the implementation of these technologies in various industries. If you are involved in the 3D printing and vinyl printing you might want to checkĀ  www.vinylcuttingmachineguide.com.