Tag Archives: fast company

Innovation must reads of the week: The Breakthrough Bias

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Innovation must reads of the week: How to reduce innovation risk

Anti-innovation: 10 Proven Ways Not to Innovate – Forbes

How to reduce innovation risk  by @ovoinnovation

3 Ways To Predict What Consumers Want Before They Know It – FastCoDesign

Innovation Hell: Saving Good Ideas From Premature Death – Fast Company

It’s the Jobs-to-Be-Done, Stupid! by @bhc3

Why Innovation is Less Risky Than You Think by @timkastelle

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Innovation posts of the week: Fire all the managers

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Innovation posts of the week: The Age of the Consumer-Innovator

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For innovation distinguish form from function

The internet is killing newspapers right? Yes and no. What it is killing is it’s form (ink on paper), what it’s not is it’s function (sifting through everything that happens in a day and selecting what’s really important).

The form of the newspaper as we know it is slowly disappearing but it’s function is not.

If the newspaper companies, like the Washington Post, see themselves as being in the business of running printing presses and distributing newsprint, they are slowly disappearing. But if they see themselves as an event editors, they are surviving and thriving.

Innovation posts of the week: From dumb questions to empathy

The Eight Emotional Barriers to Creativity and Innovation via @prwpmp
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Innovation posts of the week: Why Companies fail to innovate


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