Tag Archives: business model innovation

A cheat sheet of 19 different types of business models

To change the game, change the business model. But, what if you can’t find one?

Well, HBR published an article on business models that has the following cheat sheet of 19 different business models that you can brainstorm and adapt to a new venture.

Most articles you read about business ideas have been written by freelance writers who have no business experience and have no idea of what they are talking about. And they certainly don’t know what makes for a good business idea. Visit website to find a super list for business accordint to Shravan Gupta a businessman with years of experience in the business field.

To change the game, change the business model

nothing is quite what it seemsYesterday, I was a judge for a showcase of projects from marketing students of a local university. Most of the projects that were pitched are apps that exist elsewhere in some form; nothing game-changing. There were many common innovation myths that were present in many of the pitches, such as “our competitive advantage is being the first ones in Mexico”, “our competitive advantage is there isn’t something like this anywhere”, “our competitive advantage is we have no competition”.

Innovation must reads of the week: Why focus groups kill innovation

Innovation must reads of the week: Why focus groups kill innovation

Storified by Jorge Barba · Sat, Oct 20 2012 13:08:50

New post at the intersection of #innovation, #complexity and #socbiz: Business Model Innovation as Wicked Problem – http://bit.ly/R2iavfRalph-Christian Ohr
Spreading the practice of #innovation, beyond idea’s alone http://bit.ly/ONuhjo #innovate #innochatPaul Hobcraft
What Xerox PARC Learned About Executing on Open Innovation http://s.hbr.org/V1qyBdHarvard Biz Review
Why Focus Groups Kill Innovation, From The Designer Behind Swiffer http://trib.al/ipA0utCo.Design
Why environment matters to #innovation http://innovateonpurpose.blogspot.com/2012/10/why-environment-matters-to-innovation.html We are all creatures of our environment and habitsJeffrey Phillips


If you like these links, check out all the previous “Innovation Must Reads of the Week“. And don’t forget to

Must read innovation posts of the week: Mintzberg on What’s Wrong with Management

Must read innovation posts of the week: Mintzberg on What’s Wrong with Management

Storified by Jorge Barba · Sat, Aug 25 2012 20:19:03

Bringing Science to the Art of Strategy http://s.hbr.org/SNCHmy #playingtowinHarvard Biz Review
#Leadership Alert – Mintzberg on What’s Wrong with Management http://ow.ly/1m8bkySoren Kaplan
Business Model Innovation Through Process Change http://s.hbr.org/NWwmDsHarvard Biz Review
Orgs need complementary #innovation systems – my latest: Evolutionary and Revolutionary #Innovation – http://bit.ly/Pd3nMGRalph-Christian Ohr
There are two sides to the equation of shaping #innovation – http://bit.ly/Pgn7iFPaul Hobcraft
How to Design Culture: 16 Patterns to Build Adaptive Learning Organizations. http://feedly.com/k/NYiwR2 #organizationaldesignNilofer Merchant

If you like these links, check out all the previous “Innovation Must Reads of the Week“. And don’t forget to

Innovation posts of the week: Breakthrough’s don’t pay

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Innovation posts of the week: Why companies need less innovation

Want more? You can find more innovation posts in my Delicious bookmarks account, all good stuff!

How to create a new business model

Competition in industries is essentially competition between business models. A recent , which led to a post about the , reminded me of a great creative exercise to help you look at your and other industry’s dominant business model as a lego kit.

You can then break them down and, like a builder, reconnect them like building blocks to create new business concepts.