Tag Archives: Anthropology

What is empathy?

What is empathy?


What happens is that you get some very abstract conversations about what empathy is, nevertheless it is an interesting and important topic. Featuring Dr. Marco Iacoboni, Dr. Mary Hellen Immordino-Yang, Dr. Robert Weller, Dr. Adam Seligman, Leslie Jamison and Ben Doepke & the SEEK company.

5 reasons why ethnography is not going to become mainstream anytime soon

It seems that since design thinking and lean startup methodologies have a “talk to potential customers to validate” component, it may seem that ethnography is becoming mainstream.

It isn’t.

In my opinion, of all the innovation techniques available to an innovation practitioner, entrepreneur, marketer or business leader none is more important than getting out on the field and observing people in their domains. And, we have ways to go before this ever becomes mainstream.