As a leader, your objective is to put your company in a position to be successful consistently. As part of this objective, you have to determine how to best achieve that and what set of capabilities to you need to develop or acquire in order to do so. No capability is more important than the ability to reinvent your company; the ability to innovate.
Archive for: July, 2022
How Van Moof Reduced Shipping Damages By Changing Its Packing Design
Many people fear that artificial intelligence will replace them and take their jobs. AI has limits that are yet to be overcome, I believe it will happen in phases for jobs that are very repetitive. One skill that artificial intelligence will have a hard time replicating is creative problem solving because creativity is a non-routine activity.
What Alfred P. Sloan Can Teach You About How Being a Listener Makes You a Better Leader
Contrary to popular belief, great leaders are not the best communicators because they talk a lot; but because they listen more than they talk. Listening is a superpower. Here’s a short story on how Alfred P. Sloan led the transformation of General Motors with a listening-driven mindset.
5 Questions To Get Customers To Reveal Their Real Problems
In great pain lies dorman profit. Pain points, frustrations and workarounds are the basis for insights about customer needs. How do you find them and what questions do you ask to uncover them? First thing you’ll have to do is find a problem worth solving, this means you’ll have to talk to potential customers / users of your product or service. Getting this part right is super important because it will determine what you’ll build or won’t!
To Get Good Ideas You Have To Empty The Bad Ones First
Ways To Manage Chronic Pain Without Medication
Chronic pain — pain that lasts three months or more — can make it hard to go about your daily life. Whether it’s lower back pain or a headache that just won’t quit, you may be surprised to know you might not need pain medication to feel better. According to Lara N. Zador, M.D., a pain management specialist at Henry Ford Health, there are many different pathways to overcoming chronic pain.
“One of the challenges is that people don’t know there are alternatives to pain medications,” Zador says. “Our role in pain management is to connect patients with the options that are best for their unique situation. We often consider non-medication options.”
Four ways to manage chronic pain before taking pain medication include:
- Regular exercise: Exercise may be the last thing on your mind when you’re in pain. But gentle activity can actually help you recover. Exercise in the form of walking, biking or swimming loosens stiff muscles and improves blood flow, both of which speed your body’s natural healing process. The mountain ebike is the most popular electric bike variants, appealing to both leisure riders and EMTB off-roaders alike.
- Integrative medicine techniques: These techniques – which include yoga, tai chi and acupuncture – tap into the mind-body connection. “There is growing evidence that shows that the connection between the mind and body is greater than previously appreciated,” Zador says. Integrative techniques combine the power of breath, movement and mindfulness (the practice of being present in the moment) to relieve pain by calming unhealthy activity in the mind. Take a look to this pain relieving herbs information.
- Stress management: There is a strong connection in the brain between stress and pain. Finding healthy ways to cope with the pressures of everyday life can help you gain peace of mind and control of your symptoms, while you can also use products like these gummies with HHC to fight stress as well.
- Physical therapy: Stretching and strengthening muscles with the help of a physical therapist not only relieves pain, but can prevent it from coming back. Physical therapy can also improve overall muscle functioning, which reduces strain and risk of injury in the long run.
There are a variety of benefits to overcoming chronic pain without medication. For starters, many people enjoy not having to remember to take pills several times a day. Other benefits include avoiding unpleasant side effects that may come with the medication, such as:
- Drowsiness
- Upset stomach
- Hormone imbalances that can lead to problems like weight gain
- Increased risk of organ damage, including kidney problems
The treatment options that are best for you depend on several factors, including the type of pain you are experiencing and what caused it. In some cases, especially when non-medication treatments aren’t successful, medication is the best option. But it’s often possible to get relief without medication and avoid unpleasant side effects.
“When medications are appropriate, we consider each patient’s lifestyle, overall health and personal preferences toward medication and pain procedures. This combination of factors helps us prescribe the treatments that are likely to help patients achieve long-term relief while avoiding side effects,” Zador says.
If chronic pain has become part of your daily life, learn more about the pain treatments available by talking with a provider specializing in pain management.
The 10 Questions Every Game-Changer Must Answer
If you’re an entrepreneur, a leader, an innovator, you want your thinking to be challenged. One way to do that is to seek out great questions, because great questions are the path to new perspectives and better answers. Bill Taylor, co-founder of Fast Company, wrote a book I believe every entrepreneur should read: Practically Radical.
6 Perspective Shifting Methods Guaranteed To Improve Decisions And Solve Problems
Every day we’re presented with challenges, big, small, it’s all part of the day. As we go through our day we rarely stop and think about how to best approach them. Why? Because we’re on autopilot, and follow the same approach we always have.