Archive for: February, 2018

When Someone Points Out The Flaws In Your Idea You Need To Thank Them

At both of my ventures, Better and Netek, we operate by many key principles, one of them is avoiding stupidity; which is to avoid bad decisions. So instead of asking ourselves,”how do we make good decisions?; we ask: how do we avoid making bad ones?

Biggest Strategy Mistake: Putting All Your Eggs In One Basket

Businesses have always relied on various forms of advertising to promote themselves. It still holds true in the digital world we live in today. But the internet changes everything because today every business is a digital business or a dead business. When you looking for digital marketing services, have a good idea of what it is that you need before you choose a provider. You may not know how to achieve your goals, but you have a general idea of the direction you want to go. Promoting a website and a business can be done in more conventional ways such as brochures, mailers, magazines, radio, and other long-established media methods. If you require this kind of printing and advertising service, you might make a different choice than you would if you want only consulting and online digital marketing services.

Does Innovation Get Easier The More You Do It?

Many consultants pitch innovation as a systematic, repeatble process. I believe these people are just appealing to people’s need for certainty and fill their pockets. As I’ve explained before, innovation is very hard. And though I’m seen as an innovation consultant, I don’t like being called an expert or consultant in innovation because there’s no such thing.