Game-Changer’s Most Popular Posts of 2016

Game-Changer's Most Popular Posts of 2016

2016 is over. What a year. In terms of writing, this year was was my most varied and productive yet. As 2016 comes to a close, I want to share the 10 most popular posts from the year. These posts cover a range of topics, but the overall theme is hard to miss: being future-proof is more important as ever as we enter the Next Economy. Economies are undergoing the greatest shift since the industrial revolution, and it’s time for organizations to work together and chart a new course forward.


10 Emerging Technologies that will drive the Next Economy

2016 might have been the year AI finally came of age, and from here on out it will only get more interesting and more annoying because everyone will pitch it forth and center as a unique competitive advantage.

AI underpins all technologies, including AR and VR, genetics, and drones. The Next Economy is going to look very different as new technologies will enable new interactions and business models.

Solving the 10 most common innovation challenges

Innovation doesn’t happen in a straight line, the greatest enemy is corporate culture. In this post I lay out 10 common innovation challenges inside organizations and how to solve them.

Innovation isn’t a job

Innovation isn’t a job, it’s a mindset. A better way to look at “innovation is everyone’s job” is: Not everyone is cut out to be an innovator, but everyone can point out things that can be done better.

Want To Hire Innovators? Here’s How You’re Dismissing Them

Hiring 101 says that one should hire for culture-fit. The problem with this idea is it leads to complacency and closed mindedness; which blocks innovation. If you want innovators you have to hire for cultural contribution.

How Do You Learn How To Learn? Learn From Learners

A culture of innovation is a culture of learning. In this post I lay out a few ways how you can become better at learning…

Creativity At Work: How To Implement And Manage It So It Delivers Innovation

To manage for innovation is to manage for creativity. In this post I lay out 6 things that companies and managers can do to support and inspire creative work.

How Technology is Disrupting Geopolitics with Abishur Prakash

On this episode of the Big Bang podcast I chat with Geopolitical Futurist Abishur Prakash about his new book Next Geopolitics where he lays out how technology is changing geopolitics.

Most Bosses Don’t Know What Purpose Is

What are the most important leadership skills? According to a study, the ability to inspire and motivate others is most important at all levels. Yet, most leaders don’t understand how to inspire…

How Do You Train People In Jobs That Are Yet To Exist?

Education is ripe for reinvention. With the rise of AI, many jobs will eventually be automated. That means we need to sharpen and further develop the skills at which AI is not good at: empathy, creativity and collaboration.

The attitude needed to be a better forecaster…and innovator

Best forecasters (& innovators) have ability to keep changing their minds. “Experts” are overrated.