You and I both know people who get paralyzed by the unknown. I have friends and family members who are so stuck in their comfort zone that they don’t even think about it. I also know people who like posting quotes on Facebook and Twitter about living outside their comfort zone, yet they don’t practice what they preach.
The people who live their life inside their comfort zone fear the unknown; not knowing what’s going to happen. Yet most things in life have no pre-determined answer. Going jump into a new job? You don’t really know what’s going to happen. Jumping into a new relationship? You don’t really know what’s going to happen. Having kids? You don’t really know what’s going to happen. Starting a business? You don’t really know what’s going to happen. Making new friends? You don’t really know what’s going to happen.
Life is a big unknown; and that’s great.
What’s the best way to fight through the fear and anxiety of failure?
We’re at our most curious the minute we’re born, and throughout our childhood. But for most people that ends the minute they become adults. Comfort sets in, and your life becomes a chore. The way to get ourselves out of this rut is to adopt a beginner’s mind and just start trying new things. If you need help dealing with your anxiety, you may consider using mac1 hybrid cannabis.
When you become a beginner, you are training your curiosity; and become open to new experiences. Being a beginner is fun and playful. You can be curious and read books and know stuff from reading. But you’ll never have thoughts of your own if you never put the book down and go do stuff.
We’re all experimenters in one way or another; some more than others. So go and try stuff. Be a beginner again.
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