Why You Hate Your Job (And How To Fix It)

why do people hate their jobsIf you ever get to collaborate with me (I wrote a User Manual to Jorge Barba if you’re interested), know that one of my pet peeves is limitations; I hate being fit into a box. For me, limits and fears are just an illusion. So, I approach everything with a sense of possibility rather than a sense of “this is how it is”.

All states of being and mind are temporary, nothing stays the same. My attitude rubs people to the wrong way, you either like it or you don’t; and it’s been that way since I can remember. It’s given me enormous influence, and opened up job opportunities in all walks of life. If you want to know whether you are covered by a New York State workers’ compensation insurance policy or not, visit Cellino Law’s website.

As we grow up we take on all types of jobs, the assumption is that many of these jobs will probably have no bearing in our future. Wrong. The point of having these initial jobs is to teach us that we don’t need a fancy title to make a difference; they teach us to develop the right attitude in how we approach anything in any type of circumstance.

Sadly, as we grow older most people forget these lessons and see their job as an inconvenience rather than an opportunity to add value. The career track, having a sense of entitlement changes their attitude, and therefore their perception changes.

Like you I have friends who hate their jobs, they openly say they’d rather do something else.

Why do so many people hate their jobs? Here’s a hint:

People hate their jobs because they don’t know they’re the ones supposed to bring meaning, passion and fun to them.


Transformation is about attitude, and that’s something we can all control. If you’re the type of person who’s attitude depends on the right circumstances, then you’re likely to hate your job.

It’s your choice

The most impressive story I have, and the one I’ll use to make my point, is my FedEx Ground experience as a loader. I was 18 and didn’t know anything about leadership or innovation up to that point, but my attitude was in the right place and my instincts were sharp.

Please watch the video below for context:

I should have hated that job, physical and not mental, but I opted to see things differently. I redefined my role, so instead of seeing myself as just another cog in the machine I saw myself as a difference maker; and it made all the difference in me, the job and the organization.

While other people opted to “just show up and do the job”, I showed up to make a difference. It was a huge motivator for me to see every day as an opportunity to “keep pushing the envelope” in how we did things, and it made a huge difference as it was the first time I had ever been called and heard the word “game-changer” in my life; and it stuck with me.

From that point on, I was never the same.

For things to change someone has to begin acting differently; that means you. Everyone can complain, make excuses and feel entitled, not everyone can make a difference. No one decides if you’re going to be great or not; you do. It’s your choice. Now, if your employer blocks you from making a difference; then you need to get out of there quick. Again, it’s your choice.

Bottom line: Perception separates the innovator from the imitator. An innovator sees possibilities, an imitator sees what everyone else sees. So if you want to begin seeing differently, start with how you view yourself and the role you play in everything you do.

Also published on Medium.

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