Tag Archives: automation

5 Challenges for the Next Economy

5 challenges for the next economy

A world of ubiquitous technology is here, we have to accept it. How? Understand that there’s no stopping the push of technology into our lives. There are many emerging technologies that will drive the Next Economy, creating the industries and jobs of the Oil Profit platform future.

Productivity Is For The Robots (For Now)

It’s inevitable, the robots are coming for our jobs. McKinsey Global Institute predicts that robots could increase global productivity 50% by 2025, adding $2 trillion to the economy; other studies point to similar outcomes.

Right now we’re in phase one of the robot revolution: routine task automation.

The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Are we creating the future in our image?

ethics of artificial intelligenceNick Bostrom calls artificial intelligence the modern day Doomsday invention. Luminaries such as Bill Gates, Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking agree with him. Why? Because the possibility of creating thinking machines raises a host of ethical issues.

For example, we’re designing software that works like us, that learns like us, and that we can even fall just a little bit in love with. We’re making computer programs that can kill like us, too.

In short, we’re creating the future in our image.

What skills do we need to stay relevant in the future?

future or workFrom the beginnings of organized farming to the advent of organized labor, work has dramatically changed. It has fundamentally shifted even more as we moved from the industrial era into today’s technologically enabled on-demand reality. The ability to automate work and use artificial intelligence to augment everyday tasks is now here. And, the nature of change in the workforce is accelerating as robots start to walk outside factories, the whir of drones grows louder in the air, and driverless cars are poised to join us on the streets in cities nationwide.

We are rapidly approaching an inflection point where the acceleration of these trends will bring about a sea change in the workforce.