The Future Of Work With Annalie Killian


How will work change in the future? It is a broad topic that includes many topics including freelancers, corporate culture, co-working, technology and collaboration, people analytics, leadership, change management, holacracy, artificial intelligence and data mining.

The main driver of change is, of course, the internet. As every business model is being disrupted by the internet, so has they way we get work done. New technologies, data analytics and social networks are having a huge impact on how we lead, communicate, collaborate and work.

There is no shortage of ideas and reports on how work is changing and will continue to change. It is a topic I’m quite invested in and have been experimenting with for some time now, so I’m really interested in talking to people from all walks of life on how their work life has changed and what they see happening in the future, since is good to think on the future and saving for retirement is one of the many thing we need to do, to make sure we have a good future.

On this episode of the Big Bang Podcast, I chat with business catalyst and strategist Annalie Killian, founder of Amplify Festival, to explore this topic from her experience.

Some questions we discussed:

  • For you, what makes work fun and interesting?
  • As someone who’s been in the workforce 20+ years, how has the way we get things done at work changed?
  • How has the internet changed how you work?
  • From your view, what’s missing in the discussion about the future of work?
  • From your point of view, what is the future of work?
  • What actions do businesses, large and small, need to take to take advantage of the new world of work?
  • Is collaboration overrated or are businesses just not taking full advantage?
  • What does the leader of the future look like?
  • What do you see changing in the next 5 – 10 years?

What do you think, how will work change in the future?

Let us know what you think on Twitter @jorgebarba and @adrianpedrin.

Watch the live recording:

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Intro audio is by Arturo Arriaga, outro audio is Candyland by Guy J.