Archive for: May, 2011

Are Little Bets a recipe for better innovation?

A few weeks ago I reviewed Peter Sims new book on experimental innovation, Little Bets. Since then I’ve received emails from friends asking me for concrete examples of businesses doing experimental innovation as well as why this is a better approach to innovation.

For those of you who haven’t read Little Bets or want to familiarize yourself with the concept, Tim Kastelle wrote a great write up about how little bets work.

With that said, internet companies are exemplary of taking a little bets approach. Because of the nature of the net, internet companies can do trial and error in real-time. And because of the size of their user base, they can get results very quickly. 

Two of these companies are Google and Mozilla.

Innovation posts of the week: From robust to resilitent innovation

Innovate With Empathy by @maddockdouglas

Immersive Virtual Worlds as Innovation Platforms by @ovoinnovation

Robust to Resilient for Innovation Thinking by @paul4innovating

How to Unlock Creativity by @digitaltonto

The Innovation Filter Bubble by @timkastelle

Five Common Mistakes Business Leaders Make About Innovation – WSJ

LA Noire Box Art