Undeniable truth: a statement that almost everyone could agree with that has natural effect of causing people to nod their heads in agreement.
With that out of the way it’s hard not to agree with the statement on the picture above. I think most of us dread calling customer service, we find it annoying and a waste of our time. But I’m not going to bore you with my ongoing assault on customer service, instead I’m going to remind you that a way to spot opportunities for innovation is to recognize when the system is stuck.
Customer service is clearly stuck, it hasn’t changed one bit and just the fact that somebody took the time to draw a cartoon about how badly it sucks makes it an undeniable truth.
And boy is it a worthy challenge!
If it sucks, it means it’s stuck. And if it’s stuck, it’s ripe for innovation.
Full cartoon –> Why I’d rather be punched in the testicles than call customer service
Related articles
- Customer Service Is Everyone’s Job (ducttapemarketing.com)
- How to Make Customer Service, and Customers, Pay (blogs.hbr.org)
- Leaders Set the Tone for Customer Service (fredzimny.wordpress.com)