jorge barba

Hello my friend, welcome to the Game-Changer! A blog about innovation, new ideas and how the world is changing. I’m your host Jorge Barba, an Innovation Insurgent. You’re here because you’re interested in being or becoming a Game-Changer in everything you do. Let’s do it!

I’m CEO of Netek and I’m also the President of the Baja California Innovation Cluster.

I also work with startups and corporations. Need help reinventing your innovation capability, developing new growth platforms and revenue streams?

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Creativity, entrepreneurship, Innovation, Leadership

Averages Are The Enemies of Innovators

In most interviews I’m invited to do, I get asked the same question: Where do you get inspiration from? The answer is simple: anywhere and everywhere. However, there is an important distinction to be made: You won’t find groundbreaking ideas and insights in the mainstream—that’s for sure. Look Where No One Else Looks What do I mean by this? Innovation requires looking where no one else is looking. This is easier said than done because…