Tag Archives: innovation ecosystem

How do you measure an innovation ecosystem?

how do you measure an innovation ecosytem?Here’s a recap from our #innochat session on Measuring an innovation ecosystem. Below are the questions we discussed with my own and answers as well as responses from other participants.

Want to read the whole chat? Great! You can find the complete transcript of the chat in PDF.

Measuring an innovation ecosystem

how do you measure an innovation ecosytem?

How do you measure an innovation ecosystem?

This is a topic of discussion worth your time. Next week, Thursday February 12 at 9 AM PT, I’ll be co-hosting an #innochat discussion about measuring an innovation ecosystem. If you are new to Innochat, just jump on Twitter and follow the hashtag #innochat to join the discussion.

Hope to see you there 🙂

Here are some questions we’ll use to frame our discussion:

Innovation must reads of the week: The Secret to building an innovation ecosystem

If you like these links, check out all the previous “Innovation Must Reads of the Week“. And don’t forget to