Tag Archives: behavior change

Innovation must reads of the week: Change consumer behavior with these 5 levers

Innovation must reads of the week: Change consumer behavior with these 5 levers

Storified by Jorge Barba · Sun, Nov 11 2012 12:01:44

How To Disrupt Yourself http://p.ost.im/p/dBhQGcGreg Satell
Great post by Julian Birkinshaw: Making #Innovation a Reality in Your Company http://buff.ly/XuatE8Tim Kastelle
Change Consumer Behavior with These 5 Levers http://s.hbr.org/SRKHqFHarvard Biz Review
How should companies co-create their future with customers? http://qr.ae/8eHEyArie Goldshlager
Hypotheses instead of requirements – RT @ericries: Enabling #Innovation using #LeanStartup http://ericri.es/UBSoOgRalph-Christian Ohr

If you like these links, check out all the previous “Innovation Must Reads of the Week“. And don’t forget to

Adoption: The hardest part about innovation

Don’t worry about people stealing an idea. If it’s original, you will have to ram it down their throats. – Howard Aiken

If there’s one things that rarely gets talked about innovation, it’s that you will have to work hard to get people to adopt your ideas. Two weeks ago I was talking to a few of the participants of Startup Weekend Tijuana. Among other things, we talked about the hard part about innovation.

Mainly I told them about my own experience, and how coming up with ideas isn’t a problem. The key, is influencing people to adopt your ideas. And as far as I’m concerned, this is where the rubber meets the road

People and organizations rarely understand, just like I did a few years back, that ideas by themselves are worthless. Just because your ideas sounds cool, and everyone tells you the same, it doesn’t mean it will be adopted. You have to nudge people to adopt your ideas.

There just isn’t any way around it.

Being the guy or company that changes the game is really being the one who gets people to change the behavior.

Case in point: Facebook.