Here’s a look back, in no particular order, at the top 80 articles I wrote about innovation:…
Archive for: December, 2012
This is empathy: The best innovators live in their customers shoes
What is the most important innovation technique available to an innovation practitioner?
In my opinion, of all the innovation techniques available to an innovation practitioner, entrepreneur, marketer or business leader none is more important than getting out on the field and observing people in their domains.
That is what I wrote a few months back. Well guess what? I’m writing about it again, because it is that important. And it is not common to see someone take this principle to the extreme.…
Innovation must reads of the week: Why innovation won’t save us
If you like these links, check out all the previous “Innovation Must Reads of the Week“. And don’t forget to Follow @jorgebarba
To innovate, just try it!
“We can show mathematically that trial and error is 10 times more effective than knowledge.” – Nassim Taleb
A few days ago, I posted a valuable lesson of innovation. That learning, precedes innovation. When you think of big established companies, you immediately think R&D and how they use this capability to push it. Actually, R&D has nothing to do with pushing it. Especially, if it only leads to knowledge.
Think about it. Microsoft outspends Apple in R&D, yet Apple is the most valuable company in the world. Why is that?…
What did you learn about innovation during 2012?
This the thirteenth of a series of weekly posts where I will answer a few common questions about innovation. Please feel free to add your own response. Also, if you have any questions you think we should discuss, let me know.
You can download the .PDF archive of yesterday’s #innochat here.
A lesson from NASA: Learning precedes innovation
In the above video, Cosmonaut Sunita Williams, gives us a tour of the International Space Station. It’s 25 minutes long, but I guarantee you it is worth watching.
Now, this post is about a lesson from NASA, and Ms. Williams doesn’t talk about any lessons about innovation. But what does, is a short paragraph in the Slate article where I found this video:…
Innovation must reads of the week: How to innovate innovation
If you like these links, check out all the previous “Innovation Must Reads of the Week“. And don’t forget to Follow @jorgebarba