When employees do not feel understood they resist change

Here’s an ongoing problem:

When leadership tries to implement change within an organization, the biggest objection from employees usually is: “You don’t understand my situation.” What this statement really means is: “You do not know my job. You do not realize what I have to deal with on a regular basis, and now you are instituting yet another initiative that will make things more difficult for me on a daily basis.”

When employees do not feel understood, they resist change more fiercely.

But when they are included in the decision-making process and treated as valued resources, they can be the staunchest champions of new initiatives. Of course, you can ask people what they think before implementing any change.

But, you know what would be even better? If Executives actually lived in their shoes.

For example, to motivate employees and break linear thinking, a common management practice is for workers to change places with their peers. This is wishful thinking, but why not include executives in this job swapping? Have them change places with employees who are in the front lines where you can have contact with customers.

Only then will you really understand what employees are really thinking.

You know why this would be a great idea? Because, just like your customers want to be understood, the same goes for employees.


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