Tag Archives: innovation myths

Innovation must reads of the week: The 177 Myths of Innovation

Innovation must reads of the week: The 177 Myths of Innovation

Storified by Jorge Barba· Sat, Apr 06 2013 16:46:39

Mega Summary: the 177 Myths of Innovation wp.me/p4vkk-3lpScott Berkun
‘[C]reativity is an import-export game. It’s not a creation game.” nyti.ms/10Frd8p #innovationArie Goldshlager
Worthwhile lessons from @andrewhargadon on "Planning for #Innovation" – bit.ly/Y3pHfMRalph-Christian Ohr
Good post by @ribbonfarm Why Habit Formation is Hard buff.ly/16hKCzpTim Kastelle
To Innovate, Find What’s Hiding in Plain Sight s.hbr.org/YSQ5wmHarvard Biz Review

If you like these links, check out all the previous “Innovation Must Reads of the Week“. And don’t forget to

Innovation posts of the week: Game Changers


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