Tag Archives: Adrian Pedrin

The case for continuous improvement

I think we can agree that continuous improvement is necessary for any kind of innovation. And, when you aim for continuous improvement, to the extreme, it is easy to notice those that don’t. Therefore, it also easy to notice strategies and approaches that won’t ignite innovation.

Case in point: The local newspapers in Tijuana.

Last week, we held a mini-conference in our office. We invited our buddy and Partner, Adrian Pedrin to come in and give us some insight as to what it takes to work in Hollywood. Before the event, to our surprise, we had inquiries from local newspapers to do an interview with him.

So, the next day after the event, we had El Mexicano interview Adrian. Here is the note:


Missing, is a lot of important details. It is no secret that the media will always publish what they think is important, not what you want. But, for the newspapers, this is also an area of opportunity. For those of you in the modern world who read WSJ, NYTimes, USA Today, Financial Times, BBC or any modern newspaper; what I’m going to tell you won’t be a surprise.

For example, why didn’t they post the interview in podcast format? Why didn’t they post the interview on the web? Having so much content available, why didn’t the use it?

These are all valid questions, and, in the modern world may be expected from a media company. Media companies can inform and shape people’s opinion with the content they publish, and, the way they publish it. That is why when I see local newspapers who haven’t caught up with the rest of the world, it causes me concern.

I’m not ranting about this because it was an event I organized. It isn’t about me, it’s about all of us.

Renaissance Men: 3 questions with video editing Ace Adrian Pedrin


Continuing our Renaissance Men Series, the last time we talked about the process of animation with Edwin Aguilar, Assistant Director of The Simpsons, and Jose Zelaya, Character Designer at Walt Disney Studios, I’m inviting my buddy Adrian Pedrin to our office to give a workshop, and talk, about his craft: video editing.

Adrian Pedrin started editing when he was 18 years old by mistake, he loved to edit music and video together, that’s what he found most interesting that anything else. A few years later he would get the opportunity to play with the big boys in Hollywood, he was offered a job at a company editing music related videos for a well known artist in Asia. He passed the test, and has continued working for that same company (Veneno) to this day, working for Rihanna, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Rain, J-lo to name a few. He has been recently working for a few ad agencies on webisodes and internet content.

He is the CEO of Big Road Media, a Creative Agency in Los Angeles. You can find some of his work on his Vimeo Channel.

Here are a few questions: