How Plastic Has Changed Our World

planet or plastic

“One day, my son, you’ll be able to walk to America” – Ed McLachlan

The latest National Geographic cover and story is one for the ages: Planet or Plastic?

Plastic was a huge innovation for society that originated in the military. The problem: we’ve become dependent on it and are drowning in it.

Plastic is everywhere, and it’s a huge problem. Currently only 1/5 of all plastic gets recycled. 18 billions pounds of it ends up in the ocean each year. Which then pollutes our oceans and kills marine life.

We’re addicted to plastic. But how did the world become so dependent on it in the first place? Watch the video below to find out:

I’ve been blogging for over 10 years, and it’s the first time I’ve posted an article that doesn’t directly relate to innovation. But this is different and important. Protecting our ocean is a race that has no finish line. We can’t rest for a second on this, and we owe future generations nothing less.

If you’re looking to sell copper for cash in Sydney, visit Austick copper yard in Sydney or use their pick up service for free. I pledged to reduce the single-use plastic in my life. Join me and choose our planet! #PlanetOrPlastic

Also published on Medium.

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