Archive for: January, 2014

10% of the majority: when ideas get adopted

Domino Effect

Domino Effect (Photo credit: k.landerholm)

How long does change take?

Interesting question. And one that, at least to me, doesn’t have a concrete answers. But a good answer is that it takes time. It simply doesn’t happen overnight.

But, we do know that if we want to accelerate change then it is best to aim to win over / enlist a few people in our crusade.

From Rebels at Work:

A simple technique to help you develop culture in your organization

develop culture in your organization

Do you have a User Manual of yourself for others to learn about how to deal with you?

This is an interesting idea I read about in an interview with Ivar Kroghrud, lead strategist of QuestBack, by Adam Bryant for his upcoming book Quick and Nimble: Lessons from Leading CEOs on How to Create a Culture of Innovation.

The basic idea of the User Manual is simple: shorten that inevitable learning curve of building work relationships, and let people know right up front what you’re like as a leader.

Below is a one-page cheat sheet of what a User Manual might look like:

The Big Bang approach to problem definition

The way a problem is defined guides the way people think about it.

You can never have/experiment with enough tools. I like to experiment with various “problem definition” approaches, as I believe this is the most important step in the innovation process. While there are various ways to define a problem, I think there isn’t a more intuitive way to do it.

This is important because it is a very common innovation issue to jump in before taking time to define the problem/challenge. As Michael Michalko, author of the creative thinking book Thinkertoys, says, “The more time you devote to perfecting the wording of your challenge, the closer you will be to a solution.”