The Paradoxes of Creativity posted on Google+ by creativity expert Roger Von Oech which state that to create, a person must:
- Have knowledge but forget the knowledge.
- See unexpected connections in things but not have a mental disorder.
- Work hard but spend time doing nothing.
- Create many ideas yet most of them are useless.
- Look at the same thing as everyone else, yet see something different.
- Desire success but learn how to fail.
- Be persistent but not stubborn.
- Listen to experts but know how to disregard them.
- Understand that rules are important, and yet break them constantly.
- Understand that good ideas must be relevant, yet constantly be thinking about irrelevancies.
- In order to live a life of abundance, be free from desire for abundance.
- Truth has many faces. Yesterday’s Truth can be today’s Untruth. And this is true.
- Develop a sophisticated eye, but learn to see like a child.
- For good ideas to come, you must be in control and yet not in control. You must try hard yet hardly try.
- To create a person must reject conventions yet work within them.