10 Newsletters worth reading

Most of us are really busy and there’s only a few newsletters we’ll bother to check, less likely look forward to seeing them in our inbox.

With some much information out there making sense of that information is imperative, luckily there are a few newsletters worth reading that can keep us on the cutting edge.

These are newsletters I enjoy seeing in my inbox, provide value to me and make me smarter. Feel free to chip in with any suggestions!


  1. . A treasure chest of marketing and sales ideas that drop by your inbox once a week. Juicy tactics explained from a psychological perspective that anybody older than 8 years old can understand, ignore it at your own peril!
  2. . Word of Mouth Marketing guy Andy Sernovitz provides daily nuggets of wisdom. You’re missing out if haven’t read his blog, follow him on Twitter
  3. . Only once a month but I always look forward to seeing the next one in my inbox for fresh and simple creative tips.
  4. . Always enjoy reading the commentary and perspectives from contributors, lots of forward-looking people writing about things that might happen tomorrow but are already here today.
  5. . Mostly aggregate news from around the world but helps you see what’s changing and more importantly what might come.
  6. . Weekly dose of new business ideas from around the world from Springwise. 
  7. . Monthly trend brief is full of fresh perspective but more importantly, implementations from around the world.
  8. . Don’t know anybody who isn’t looking forward to seeing this one in their inbox, can’t go wrong here.
  9. . I love this newsletter because it summarizes simple ideas that drop like bombs and shake your brain out it’s normal way of seeing things.
  10. . If there’s one thing I like to read it’s science, insights come from unlikely places and the content is filled with juicy insights.