Tag Archives: trust

For innovation: Be a fan of your co-workers


An environment of .

Frankly this is not a huge insight because human relationships live off trust. If you want to bring out the best in others you have to trust them and them you. If you don’t trust others and aren’t trusted then forget about it. That simple!

Just like communicating with your spouse or husband breeds openness and trust, a healthy relationship, why should it be any different within organizations?

I bring this up because I see a lot of businesses (new and old) where it seems nobody in the organization likes each other (more on this on another post). Not to mention trust each other. While we may be talking a storm about how innovation is about learning to cope with uncertainty, I think we sometimes forget that for this to happen trusting each other first.

How do you begin creating trust with your co-workers?

Be a fan of your co-workers

There are people whom you work with that you get along with better than others and that’s ok because you have common interests and ways of thinking. The real challenge is to get along with others who are not like you because they are the ones who WILL force you to be better by challenging you to get out of your comfort zone. To do this you have to understand that everyone has something to offer and you need to find out what that is.

Basically it comes down to:

  • Finding out what they like, that will then lead to knowing what they’re good at.
  • Doing what they like with them.

Sounds simple and it does take work for many but…

If you’ve been in a relationship then you know that doing stuff with your partner brings out the best in them because you’re doing stuff that makes them happy. That creates bonding which leads to trust. You become fans of each other and want nothing but the best for each. When this happens everything you do tastes, feels and looks different. And it’s all because of that trust.

The same thing happens with your co-workers. They’re human too!

You can’t buy trust, you have to work for it.

UPDATE: Here’s John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods, on how to take trust from ideal to real:

John Mackey: How do you take trust from ideal to real?

With that said I’m a BIG fan of my friend and biz partner, Christian Laborin. Dude loves to draw and he’s pretty damn good at it too. I keep telling him he should be working at Pixar!

Here are some of my favorite drawings by him:

fighting fetus

MJ jelly



P.S. This is no shameful pug for my pal, this is actually the first time I’ve put any of his work on this blog. Maybe I should’ve done it before Smile

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