It’s hard to keep up with so much flow of information right? I don’t know about you but staring at a stream of Tweets is not my idea of keeping up with stuff.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could somehow put only stuff we’re interested in knowing about in one place?
I want to try a little experiment with Friendfeed to do just that!
One of things I like most about Friendfeed is that it’s very dynamic and flexible, meaning that it has multiple uses. And one of those uses is that you can create a group and add RSS feeds and popular web services to it that turns it into an aggregator!
I created the strategic innovation group on Friendfeed and put it some tags from Delicious, feeds from searches Twitter and Alltop to help me keep up with these interests.
Although there are other established groups like the innovation management and continuous innovation group, they’re mostly filled with a lot of useless blabber from the Twitter accounts of influential innovation experts. Don’t believe me? check them out and see for yourself.
Don’t get me wrong, getting insights from experts is great but the problem is that every tweet is pulled in including the “I’m heading to the airport” and random conversation exchanges between people, so there’s no easy way to go around it.
It would be great if we could filter the blabber, one workaround it to just pull in feeds from a searches with your keywords done on Twitter and they’ll come in in real-time!
Let’s see what happens, in the meantime you can join the group and get a daily juice of innovation related topics. Let me know if I missed anything!
Why do you think there isn’t any human interaction in these groups?