Innovation must reads of the week: Who says innovation has to be expensive? Jorge in Must reads of the week [View the story “Innovation must reads of the week: Who says innovation has to be expensive?” on Storify] Innovation must reads of the week: Who says innovation has to be expensive? Storified by Jorge Barba · Sat, Oct 06 2012 17:56:55 Good insights: @ScottDAnthony on why ‘Business Model #Innovation is the Fastest Path to Greatness’ – #strategy #bmiRalph-Christian Ohr Who says #innovation has to be expensive? Small investments in capability can lead to outsized benefitsJeffrey Phillips Xiameter Case Study: Adding Business Model #Innovation – using the Innovation Matrix to track firm evolution Kastelle ‘Trust your gut,’ make better decisions: study Big Companies Can’t Innovate Halfway Biz Review If you like these links, check out all the previous “Innovation Must Reads of the Week“. And don’t forget to Follow @jorgebarba