“The greatest difficulty in the world is not for people to accept new ideas, but to make them forget about old ideas.”
~John Maynard Keynes, Economist
Everyone loves lists! After reading the Top 100 Lamest Excuses for Not Innovating in 2009 I thought I’d look for some more excuses (there’s always more excuses!) and guess what?
I found a list of idea stoppers dating back to 1956 of a General Electric document found in the Bureau of Ships’ code 109 on Value Engineering. Here’s the link to the pdf.
What’s incredible is this list is over 50 years old and yet we still hear or say many of these idea stoppers on a daily basis. Imagine what we could achieve if we could eliminate the negative thinking that permeates all areas of our life.
Here then are 109 idea stoppers for negative thinkers:
- I agree but
- We have tried that too but
- We did it this way
- Procedure won’t permit
- It won’t work
- It’s not in the budget
- Where does the money come from?
- You can’t do that
- You should know better
- Who thought of that?
- I think it stinks
- Costs too much
- I can’t give you the money to go ahead without further cogitation
- Too big or too small for us
- We’ve tried that before and it didn’t work
- We’re not ready for that
- We don’t do things that way
- We have the best system already
- Everybody does it this way
- NO
- NO, NO
- NO, NO, NO
- It’s policy
- Too academic in it’s approach
- Not timely
- It’s a gimmick
- Not for us
- Too hard to administer
- Not profitable
- NO good
- Plain stupid
- Nuts
- Screwy
- Impractical
- Idea too radical
- Too complicated
- It isn’t progressive
- Too theoretical
- Too difficult
- That is unsound
- Not feasible
- Impossible
- The production department won’t accept it
- The field will think we’re ling haired
- Personnel aren’t ready for this
- Engineering can’t do it
- The “X” won’t approve it
- The “X” is different
- The men won’t go for it
- The “X” won’t stand for it
- The new men won’t understand
- The old men won’t use it
- You’ll never be able to sell that to management
- Boss won’t like it
- Can’t see it
- Too much trouble to get started
- Doesn’t conform to our policy
- We don’t have the manpower
- Who is doing it?
- Takes too much time
- Too much work
- It’s never been done before, let’s not risk our neck
- It won’t apply to our problem
- Don’t move too fast
- It’s new
- It will not set a precedent
- We don’t want to do this now
- The “X” can’t build it
- It’s too much trouble
- We have too many projects now
- Not enough background
- Why can’t we do it another way
- Not convincing
- Stretches the imagination too much Batman Forever movie download
- Against good judgment
- Why something new now
- We know all this
- Haven’t we got something just as good now?
- Why should we change now?
- The thinking is purely on the surface, get some depth to it
- We don’t need it
- Let’s wait and see later
- Don’t be ridiculous
- That’s not our responsibility
- We don’t have time for that
- It will make present equipment obsolete
- We don’t have enough volume
- It’s not practical for operating people
- It’s too hard to maintain
- We’ve never done it before
- Not permitted by specifications
- That will take two years to test
- Our competitor didn’t do it that way
- Not in accordance with standard plans
- Let’s shelve it for the time being
- Let’s form a committee
- It won’t work here
- It’s not standard
- Cost doesn’t matter
- What about the directive?
- It won’t stand shock
- We can’t be sure
- We don’t have the ceiling
- Why change it. It works!
- We haven’t tested it yet
- I don’t care how long it has been used
- How do we know it will work?
- I’m too busy to decide now
- We don’t have enough facts