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The Customer Is Always Right? Here’s When They Are and Aren’t Right

We’ve all been there, a customer has unreasonable demands yet we give in to them because “the customer is always right”. But, the customer isn’t always right! “The customer is always right” is a long-standing service mantra emphasizing the importance of customer satisfaction. However, the reality is more nuanced.

Clarity is necessary to understand when the principle does and doesn’t apply. Here are situations when the customer can be considered “right” and when they might not be:

When the Customer is “Right”

When the Customer Isn’t “Right”

Bottom line: “The customer is always right” should not be taken literally, but rather as a guiding principle that customer satisfaction is vital. It’s about finding a balance between being customer-centric and maintaining the integrity, policies, and health of the business. Listening to customers, empathizing with their concerns, and finding mutually beneficial solutions is the key to good service, even when the customer isn’t “right” in the traditional sense.

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