Innovation must reads of the week: What is the missing real cost of not innovating? Jorge in Must reads of the week [View the story “Innovation must reads of the week: What is the missing real cost of not innovating?” on Storify] Innovation must reads of the week: What is the missing real cost of not innovating? Storified by Jorge Barba · Fri, Oct 12 2012 13:48:14 The Value Proposition Canvas – – Alex Osterwalder – #innovation #mgmt #product #mktg #skills #valueBraden Kelley What is the missing real cost of not innovating? #innovation #innovate #innochat #openinnovationPaul Hobcraft Innovators need short memories We exhibit short memories about people and culture, but not ideas #innovationJeffrey Phillips Must read and … take action! >>Innovating #Innovation | Management Innovation eXchange Beekes 3 questions to jump-start your company’s growth Biz Review If you like these links, check out all the previous “Innovation Must Reads of the Week“. And don’t forget to Follow @jorgebarba Related PostsThe “Pause and Question” Method: How to Stop Being Closed-MindedWhy Settling for Less is Holding Your Organization BackThe Speed of the Leader is the Speed of the TeamAverages Are The Enemies of InnovatorsTransforming Customers Through Innovation: Who Do We Want Our Customers to Become?Creative Warm-Up Exercises: A Practical Guide to Unlocking Your Imagination