Innovation must reads of the week: Why non-experts are better at innovation Jorge in Must reads of the week [View the story “Innovation must reads of the week: Why non-experts are better at innovation” on Storify] Innovation must reads of the week: Why non-experts are better at innovation Storified by Jorge Barba · Sat, Jul 14 2012 18:47:09 Rethinking the concept of ‘outliers’: Why non-experts are better at #innovation | via @forbes @medialab #MITre:invention, inc. “I believe that people who will come up with creative solutions to solve the world’s biggest problems — ecological devastation, global warming, the global debt crisis and distribution of dwindling natural resources, to name a few — will NOT be experts in their fields. The real disruptors will be those individuals who are not steeped in one industry of choice, with those coveted 10,000 hours of experience, but instead, individuals who approach challenges with a clean lens, bringing together diverse experiences, knowledge and opportunities.” Interesting post by @bussgang Seeing Both Sides: Big Idea vs. Lean Idea Anthony “Yet, I fear that the success of the Lean Start Up movement risks leading entrepreneurs to pursue Lean Ideas rather than Big Ideas. I’d like to see that trend reversed, by pushing entrepreneurs to distinguish more carefully the differences between Lean Ideas and Lean Start Ups.” Change is a threat if done TO me, opportunity if done BY me. One of 7 enduring change lessons: Moss Kanter “I call these the Change Agent Bumper Stickers. Here are seven universal sayings that can comfort and guide anyone engaged in the effort of setting a new direction, orchestrating innovation, establishing a culture, or changing behavior.” How to Innovate When You Have Limited Resources: | Forbes. | #innovationre:invention, inc. “How can my group support innovation and be innovative without any resources? It’s one thing to have limited resources in the sense that you can only pick and choose one or two great ideas for action and implementation – and many of us fall into this bucket – but it’s quite another to have so few resources that you literally cannot act on any of them. Is it simply a case of the embarrassment of riches causing paralysis – in other words, in the face of so many great ideas is it so overwhelming that it’s impossible to even know where to begin – and so you don’t? Or is there truly so much day-to-day work that it’s impossible to see through the thicket of ideas in the first place to begin to choose the good, practical ones? Or is it more a case of a manager not knowing how to sift through the pile of so-so or just plain unrealistic ideas to find the good ones that can actually be implemented?” RT @Innovering: Great content! RT @cloverleafinnov: What #innovation secrets do the most #innovative companies have? Kastelle “These companies not only have innovation as part of their strategic imperatives but also allocate both time and resources for fostering and promoting the culture of innovation within the organization. Interestingly, many of these 16 companies utilize unique approaches to cultivate innovation within their organizations.” Must-read by I. Wladawsky-Berger: #Strategy & Execution in an Increasingly Complex World – #complexity (via @dscofield)Ralph-Christian Ohr “It is difficult to do strategic planning beyond a one to three year timeframe. Unpredictable, unanticipated events require strategic corrections in even shorter timeframes. Both strategy and operations need to continuously adjust to fast changing market conditions. Our strategic planning now has to incorporate flexible execution. Successful companies – especially market leaders being chased by small and large competitors – must achieve a delicate balance between carefully managing their existing operations, and formulating the appropriate strategies that will propel them into the future.” The End of Middle Managers (And Why They’ll Never Be Missed) @Forbes #socbiz #business #managementVala Afshar “A company needs leaders—not managers. From the top down, every employee has the opportunity to lead, starting with the organization of one within the larger organization that we call “Me, Inc.” Every individual is responsible for shaping and creating their own future.” If you like these links, check out all the previous “Innovation Must Reads of the Week“. And don’t forget to Follow @jorgebarba Related PostsThe “Pause and Question” Method: How to Stop Being Closed-MindedWhy Settling for Less is Holding Your Organization BackThe Speed of the Leader is the Speed of the TeamAverages Are The Enemies of InnovatorsTransforming Customers Through Innovation: Who Do We Want Our Customers to Become?Creative Warm-Up Exercises: A Practical Guide to Unlocking Your Imagination