Innovation must reads of the week: Valuing Radical Innovation Jorge in Must reads of the week [View the story “Innovation must reads of the week: Valuing Radical Innovation” on Storify] Innovation must reads of the week: Valuing Radical Innovation Storified by Jorge Barba · Sat, Jun 30 2012 21:53:17 Valuing Radical Innovation #innovationKevin McFarthing Good post – RT @ireneimmink: The changing role of engineers: from problem solvers to demand creators – Ohr Ten Red Flags for Innovation: Why It Fails – do you agree?Stefan Lindegaard The rise of social channels means we need to treat ideas, power with more openness: via @HarvardBizChuck Frey What innovators need to learn from distance runners: Breaching the innovation "wall" #innovationJeffrey Phillips Thought-provoking post: 8 patterns for thinking about strong network biz models (thoughts-in-progress) Kastelle Culture: Don’t Copy – Create. My latest column on @Forbes: #LeadershipMike Myatt If you like these links, check out all the previous “Innovation Must Reads of the Week“. And don’t forget to Follow @jorgebarba Related PostsInnovation must reads of the week: Overcoming resistance to innovationInnovation must reads of the week: The 6Ps of Radical Innovation for large companiesInnovation must reads of the week: Do companies require radical innovations to woo consumers? NoThe “Pause and Question” Method: How to Stop Being Closed-MindedWhy Settling for Less is Holding Your Organization BackThe Speed of the Leader is the Speed of the Team