Innovation must reads of the week: 40 examples of open innovation and crowdsourcing

Innovation must reads of the week: 40 examples of open innovation and crowdsourcing

Storified by Jorge Barba · Sat, Nov 24 2012 14:04:35

In case you missed it: Stop designing products, start designing behaviour spaces – #designthinking #innovationRalph-Christian Ohr
Are we on the cusp of big breakthroughs in "deep learning"? Think of S curve ramifications 4 other industries! #imd_mit
How to Build an Innovative Culture Satell
40 Examples of Open Innovation and Crowdsourcing #innovation #crowdsourcingStefan Lindegaard
Ripping post by @stevedenning What Killed Michael Porter’s Monitor Group? The One Force That Really Matters cc @niloferTim Kastelle
3 Big Insights From Today’s Top Design Thinkers

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