Innovation, New Ideas and How The World is Changing

Useful Familiar + Useful Familiar = Value

For those of you who can’t find a fast, easy and reliable way to backup your tweets, my friend @dscofield alerted me to a very useful tool:

Here’s how it works:

backup your tweets

It start with a simple “IF THIS THEN THAT” statement. Then all you have to do is combine one application with another to see what you can create with it. It’s so simple anyone can do it.

Creativity is all about combining and connecting things. @ifttt is one of those tools that you just get. You can combine different tools to create new and useful recipes. If there was a Webby type award for “Usefullness”, @ifttt would win it hands down.

@ifttt reminds me of Yahoo Pipes from back in the day when we were just starting to drown in a world of information.

P.S. @ifttt also has a recipe if you wish to backup your Twitter Favorites.

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