Innovation, New Ideas and How The World is Changing

Unlocking your creativity to fulfill your personal vision

I love this! Talk about freeing your mind, here’s a high powered conversation you don’t want to miss…

Alex Bogusky, formerly of Crispin Porter+Bogusky, has a weekly web show where he talks to all sorts of people who are making a difference. This week’s episode is called, Unlocking Your Personal Vision. This episode features a conversation with the team behind UFUSE – a company that helps individuals and companies unlock their vision and creativity. This one hour conversation is especially of interest, because Alex actually spent a week with them pushing his own vision and creativity to new heights.

The recipe for unlocking your personal vision: Genesis + Knowing why you’re doing it + staying with it.

Here are some ideas that were discussed:

Take a vacation and figure out what your vision is

It’s an hour long but I guarantee it’s well worth your time

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