Tag Archives: millennials

Are Millennials Not Ambitious Enough?

millennials need more courage

Illustration by Christian Laborin

Technology and millennials get a bad rap. But, whether or not people believe it to be true, rather than being a tool that eliminates jobs and disrupts people’s livelihoods, technology is a tool for progress. But have we millennials, the generation that is often stereotyped as leading the tech revolution, become complacent? Are we doing more than enough?

Tyler Cowen, a top economist says Americans are not nearly as ambitious or innovative as they think on his new book The Complacent Class.

What the leader of the future looks like

the future organizationThe leader of the future is very different than the one we are used to talking about. How so? Consider three things:

  1. The digitization of the enterprise;
  2. Women are leaving the workforce in droves to start their own businesses;
  3. Millennials have replaced boomers as the largest segment of the workforce.