Tag Archives: influence

Using Pre-Suasion to Influence Others: A Guide to Changing Minds

Changing someone’s mind can be a daunting task, but it is a necessary one for anyone who wants to influence others. Whether you are trying to persuade a colleague to support your project, a client to buy your product or a friend to change their behavior, you need to be able to present your ideas in a compelling way.

Don’t Be That Person That Promises To Open Doors And Doesn’t Follow Through

pay it forward

There are many reasons why entrepreneurial ecosystems like Silicon Valley and others thrive while others don’t. One of those reasons is the act of paying it forward. The health and progress of every entrepreneurial ecosystem in the world lives and dies by the ability of its diverse network of people and groups to share with each other; this includes knowledge and contacts.

Why You Should Master The Art Of Storytelling

Humans have been telling stories for as long as anyone can remember. In fact, stories are the way we have a ‘collective memory’ at all. From early epic poets like Homer to pictographs across the globe that predate him by thousands of years, stories have been a part of the human experience since the beginning.

When You Punish People for Asking Questions They Stop Asking

questions are a way of seeing

Questions invite collaboration and shared responsibility. Great leaders understand that it takes new questions to create a new future, and they’re not necessarily the ones asking those new questions; employees are. Unfortunately, it’s more common that leaders seek answers than questions from employees; blocking their development by resisting new ideas.